Very often companies view change/transformation/re-organisation as if it is a one-off event. It might take a while to get through it but once it’s done, they move on to the next project. Many years ago, this may have been the case when companies moved much more slowly, however, today we are experiencing constant change, both personal and professional, to the point where it is now more the norm, rather than an ‘event’ – change is the new normal.
For internal communications, this can pose a number of challenges in terms of getting to grips with the boundaries between change and business as usual. Perhaps then, the answer is not to try.
If we accept that organisations are forever changing and evolving to keep up with global, economic, technological, political and consumer demands, then what is business as usual and therefore what are BAU communications?
In general, whilst it’s important to ensure communications are well-planned and succinct, however, it’s argued that one can’t over-communicate and this is especially true when an organisation is going through a major upheaval. People absorb things at different points on the change curve, using different channels, so it’s critical to keep a constant narrative going to feed the thirst for news and understanding, whilst avoiding unnecessary rumour mills. If this is done well, internal communications can help to create a more solid backdrop to ensure BAU momentum is maintained, without the real need to differentiate, but also being very mindful of the potential emotional impact that change can have on people.
It also means that resource-strapped internal communication teams can use their expertise to create a more manageable, coherent and robust framework to tackle the challenges of an organisational change and the everyday demands they face.
If you’re tackling challenges associated with change and need an external perspective, consider Eximia. We can help with communications consultancy, copywriting, proofing, design and delivery of campaigns. Our consultants have first-hand experience of change so understand common challenges and best practice. Coupled with our in-house design and development team, this makes us an efficient and cost-effective option for long-term or ad hoc support.